Pilot Program Synonym

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Pilot Program Synonym' title='Pilot Program Synonym' />Vietnam Veterans Terminology and Slang. AAA antiaircraft artillery. Pg. 5. 03. AC aircraft commander. ACAV armored cavalry assault vehicle. Pg. 5. 03. AF Air Force. AFB Air Force base. M 7. 9s and LAWs were common. ALPHA BRAVO slang expression for ambush, taken from the initials AB. Pg. 5. 03. AMERICAL 2. Infantry Division. Pg. 5. 03. AMF literally, Adios, Mother Fucker. AMMO ammunition. Pilot Program SynonymPilot Program SynonymPilot Program SynonymIt is the year 2017 of Roger Federer, and He is about to play in the Wimbledon final for the 11th time, and He has yet to drop a set. The seventime champ cut down. ParaTerms Reference Notes AAD Automatic Activation Device also known as Automatic Opening Device AOD. A failsafe device eg CYPRES, ASTRA, Sentinel, Irvin. AMNESTY BOX a bright blue box made of solid steel shaped like. US Postal box but about half again as high, twice as. It stood in the Rhein Main airbase in. ANZAC Australian and New Zealand Armed Corps Memorial Day on April 2. Australian and New Zealand. Gallipoli in 1. 91. A O area of operations. Pg. 5. 04. AO DAI traditional slit skirt and trousers worn by Vietnamese women. APC an armored personnel carrier. AP ROUND armor piercing round. ARA aerial rocket artillery. ARC LIGHT OPERATIONS. B 5. 2. Stratofortresses against enemy positions in Southeast Asia, the first B 5. Arc Light raid took place on June 1. Vietcong base. north of Saigon. In November 1. 96. B 5. 2s directly supported American. Pilot Program Synonym' title='Pilot Program Synonym' />Kerbal Space Program is a game about a green humanoid species known as the Kerbals as they start a space program. Superficially similar to Orbiter, the. Programs AZ. Find program websites, online videos and more for your favorite PBS shows. Define objective relating to or existing as an object of thought without consideration of independent existence used objective in a sentence. Broadcast Media Terms Adjacency an advertising pod positioned next to a particular TV or radio program. Also called commercial break positions. Pg. 2. 3. ARCOMS Army Commendation Medals. ARTICLE 1. 5 summary disciplinary judgement of a soldier by his commander. ARTY artillery. ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam Army of South Vietnam. Pg. 5. 04. ASAP A sap as soon as possible a request for extreme urgency in a. Pg. 5. 04. ASH AND TRASH. Pigs Rice. Taking on. The term was perverted to Ass and Trash by many in country aircrews to. A SHAU VALLEY. the A Shau Valley is located in Thua Thien Province of I. Corps near the Laotian border. Actually several valleys. A Shau Valley was one of the principal. South Vietnam of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Home Media Server Linux Distro. It was an area that was critical to the North Vietnamese. North Vietnamese Army NVA. Vietcong VC operating in I Corps. Because of its. importance to the NVA and VC, it was the target of repeated. U. S. 1. 01st. Airborne Division. Likewise, it was defended vigorously by. NVA and VC. Consequently, the A Shau Valley was the scene of much. Being a Veteran of A. Shau Valley operations became a mark of distinction among. Veterans. The most famous battle of the A Shau Valley was Operation. Apache Snow, also known as Hamburger Hill. Pgs. 2. 9 3. ASHC assault support helicopter company. A TEAMS 1. 2 man Green Beret units. Pg. 5. 04. ATFV OR ATFG Australian Task Force, Vietnam. Pg. 5. 04. AWOL absent without official leave. Far more serious and harder to. UA unauthorized absence. B 4. 0 ROCKET a shoulder held RPG launcher. Pg. 5. 05. the B 5. It began entering service in the. B 3. 6 as the. backbone of Strategic Air Commands SAC heavy bomber force. Its primary. mission was nuclear deterrence through retaliation. The B 5. 2 has been amazingly adaptable. It was initially designed to. But when that. concept was rendered obsolete by the development of accurate surface to air. SAMs, the B 5. 2 was redesigned and reconstructed for low altitude. It has undergone eight major design changes since first. B 5. 2A to B 5. H. When the Vietnam situation began to deteriorate in 1. Key SAC. commanders began pressing for SAC to get involved in any U. S. action in. Vietnam. But the first problem was one of mission. How could a heavy. Vietnam The. answer was to modify the B 5. Two B 5. 2 units, the 3. Bomb Wing and the 2nd Bomb Wing, had their. After a second modification, each B 5. Vietnam could carry. The two bomb wings were. Guam as the 1. 33rd Provisional Wing. Later. additional units were deployed to Thailand and Okinawa to reduce in flight. The first B 5. 2 raids against a target in South Vietnam and the first war. B 5. 2 took place on June 1. The target was a. Vietcong jungle sanctuary. The results were not encouraging. Two B 5. 2s. collided in flight to the target and were lost in the Pacific Ocean. The. results of the bombing could not be evaluated because the area was. Vietcong. Although the press criticized the use of B 5. B 5. 2. Previous attempts to use. But the B 5. 2 was a veritable. Armageddon on the ground. Ironically, the most effective use of the B 5. Vietnam was for tactical. B 5. 2s were called in to disrupt enemy troop. From June 1. 96. 5. Correr Saltar Lanzar Pdf. August 1. 97. 3, when operations ceased, B 5. Thirty one B 5. Pgs. BAC SI Vietnamese term for Medical CorpsmanDoctor. BA MA BA term for 3. Vietnamese beer Tiger Piss. More properly BA MOI BA Vietnamese for 3. Ba Moi being 3. 0 and Ba. Moi counts 1. 0s. BA MOUI BA. mot1 sal6. BIERE La. RUE Tiger beer 1 liter. BAHT Thai unit of currency. BANANA CLIP banana shaped magazine, standard on the AK 4. BAR Browning Automatic Rifle,. WWII. and Korea. The M 1. BAR with portablilty of the M 1. The M 6. 0 machinegun replaced both the BAR and the Browning light machinegun. BASE CAMP a semipermanent field headquarters and center for a given unit. A. unit may operate in or away from its base camp. Base camps. usually contain all or part of a given units support elements. Pg. 5. 04. BATTALION Bn a battalion is an organizational institution in the Army and. Marine Corps. Commanded by a lieutenant colonel, an infantry. During the Vietnam War, American. Pg. 3. 7. BEEHIVE a direct fire artillery round which incorporated steel darts fleshettes. BERM, BERM LINE hedgerow or foliated built up area which divided rice. Pg. 5. 04. BIC biet Vietnamese term for understand. BIERE La. RUE Tiger beer 1 liter. BIG RED ONE BRO. Infantry Division. If your gonna be one, be a Big Red One. Also known as the Bloody One, Bloody Red One, or Big. Dead One. Pg. 5. See the Ist Div. Use your browsers Back feature to return here. BIG SHOTGUN a 1. Pg. BINGO Air Force term for the point in a flight in which theres only enough fuel. BINJO MARU name given to the White River. BIPOD two legged, supportive stand on the front of many weapons. BIRD any aircraft, usually helicopters. Pg. 5. 05. BIRD DOG O 1 Aircraft. BLADDER a heavy duty, rubberized collapsible petroleum drum ranging from. Pg. 5. 05. BLADDER BAG collapsible canteen. BLIVET a heavy rubber bladder in which fuel was transported in an aircraft. BLUELEG infantryman, aka grunt. BLUE LINE a river on a map. BOAT PEOPLE refugees fleeing Vietnam by boat after 1. Pg. 5. 05. BOATSWAIN an enlisted rating, running from boatswains striker E 2 thru Master Chief. Warrant Officers. A Navy and Coast Guard rating for deck crew. Also, personnel, generally specified as specializing in water transportation. The Boatswain also carried a pipe or whistle used to make. The tune itself was the. BOATSWAINS MATE 1st CLASS usually the deck apes and small box coxswains. The Aviation Boatswains Mates were usually the guys who took care of towing. BO DOI a uniformed NVA soldier. Pg. 5. 05. BODY BAGS plastic bags used for retrieval of bodies on the battlefield. Pg. 5. 05. BOHICA short for Bend Over, Here It Comes Again. Usually describing another. BOK BOK fightfighting. BOOBY TRAP an explosive charge hidden in a harmless object which. Pg. 5. 05. BOOKOO beaucoup VietnameseFrench term for many, or lots of BOOM BOOM short time with a prostitute, typically cost 3 5. BOONDOCKS, BOONIES, BRUSH, BUSH expressions for the jungle, or any remote. Vietnam. Pg. 5. 05. BOQ bachelor officers quarters. BOU a C 7. A Caribou aircraft. BOUNCING BETTY explosive that propells upward about four feet into the. BOW front of the ship or boat. BREAK SQUELCH to send a click hiss signal on a radio by depressing the.