Home Media Server Linux Distro

Home Media Server Linux Distro Rating: 9,8/10 4746reviews

Five Of The Best Beginner Linux Distros. Linux is considered by most to be a big scary place for new users to break into, but the truth is thats Linux distributions provide a great community for many technology enthusiasts to come together and share their ideas and of course their desktops. So if youre sick of looking at that familiar blue Widows desktop and youre looking to learn something new, or if you just want something thats more secure than WindowsMac, then take a look at some of the best beginner Linux distros below. Ubuntu. Ubuntu is very much the de facto Linux distro that most new users flock to. This is because its arguably the most well known of the whole lot. But the crown of most well known distro isnt unjustified as its a great operating system. I myself first dipped my foot into the Linux pond with Ubuntu. The Unity interface makes Ubuntu different from what you will be use to with other OSs like Windows and Mac, but its no more difficult to use. In fact, I would say its probably easier to use than other OSs as you only need to hit the super key windows button, type what youre looking for and hit enter. Theres no hunting around start menus here. You can read more about Ubuntu here. Elementary OS Luna. Elementary OS Luna Luna for short is a great operating system, its arguably the most highly polished Linux distribution out there. The whole point of Luna is to be easy to use, clean, and gorgeousall which its accomplishes and then some. Luna is based on Ubuntu, so if you know Ubuntu, then you will be able to easily find your way around Luna. Unlike Ubuntu, Luna doesnt use the Unity interface and as you can see from the screenshot above, its very different from Ubuntu. The whole premise is simplicity. Luna is a fantastic free alternative for both Windows and Mac migrants. More information about Luna can be found here. Sickrage-interface-740x454.png' alt='Home Media Server Linux Distro' title='Home Media Server Linux Distro' />Zorin OSZorin OS is another great OS, but this one has its roots firmly in the Windows camp. With a traditional taskbar, start menu, and Windows looking theming throughout, no Windows user would feel alienated in Zorin. Even though Zorin does have it roots in Windows, it is different enough to whet your appetite and bring a lot of new features to the party. Personally I think Zorin OS is a beautiful, well made distro that thoroughly earns its place in this list of the best beginner Linux distros. You can get more info about Zorin OS from their homepage. Mint Cinnamon. Linux Mint is almost as popular as Ubuntu, and rightly so as Linux Mint is for all intents and purposes is Ubuntus little brother. Linux is a big scary beast. So were going to be looking at some of the best beginner Linux distros for all you Linuxy noobs out there. LinuxMCE is a whole home automation suite. It the digital glue between your media and all of your electrical appliances. It includes full featured solutions for. Mint is a direct fork of Ubuntu but it has a lot of additional features added, including many codecs and pieces of software to help get you up and running right out of the box. Linux Mint uses the Cinnamon desktop, which again wont be unfamiliar to any of you Windows migrants out there. Once again though, it has familiarity, yet something completely different to offer its users so it probably wont get boring for you. You can get more information about Linux Mint Cinnamon from here. Home Media Server Linux Distro' title='Home Media Server Linux Distro' />Pinguy. OSPinguy. OS is the ultimate in beginners distros, the whole point of Pinguy. OS is to give its users a complete out of the experience that requires absolutely no applications to install and no changes to be made but you can if you want to. This page provides general information about notable Linux distributions in the form of a categorized list. Distributions are organized into sections by the major. Searching for the best Linux distro distribution This article will probably be most useful to those who dont know what etcfstab is used for. Also, this post. News and feature lists of Linux and BSD distributions. Theres a reason why SteamOS is always the first on every Linux gaming distro list. Its designed with gaming in mind. It comes preinstalled with Steam and it. LINUX/large/slitazpreview-large_008.jpg' alt='Home Media Server Linux Distro' title='Home Media Server Linux Distro' />It comes with a tonne of pre installed apps for just about everything you can think of. So you can literally install the base OS and youre away. Pinguy. OS is a great beginners distro but because of the extra weight in terms of its bundles applications, I wouldnt really recommend it for those of you that are running on older hardware. All in all Pinguy. What are your thoughts on Kali Linux Please include a few pros and a few cons, along with your overall impression of the operating system. Version. Arch Linux Best distro ever 2017 January 10, 1425 h tags linux pacman pacaur asdf archlinux. Update 01182017 If youre on old hardware like me, you may want. Today Saturday 090917 our server rack has arrived. Thanks donors. I did buy a 24 port 1U gigabit managed switch off Ebay a few weeks back. Check out the Lenovo TS140, our top pick for the best low power home server build 2017 for network file and media storage. OS will give you a really good, complete experience without having to lift a finger. Here is a link to more information about Pinguy. OS. Conclusion. Nowadays you dont have to be some kind of computing genius that spends their life in a command line interface to run Linux. You can get a beautiful, easy to use operating system that is completely different to anything else out there, very quickly and very easily. So what are you waiting for If youre thinking about giving Linux a try then I say jump right in Theres a community of people waiting to help you if you get stuck. Banyan Tree Management Trainee Program. If you decide to give Linux a try then please let us know in the comments section how you get on as we love hearing about new Linux users, and we would like to welcome you to the open source community. Good luck Five Of The Best Beginner Linux Distros. Your Rating. User Rating.