Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents

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This posting is not a phponly problem, but hopefully will save someone a few hours of headaches. Running on MacOS although this could happen on any nix I suppose. Installation Q How much space with do I need to install CCSv4 CCSv4 comes bundled with various other components DSPBIOS, RTSC, 3P Emulation drivers, etc. Installing Android Screenshots, Screen Capture, Screen Cast for Windows. Quick links About the tool and Download. So you decided to give it a try and make some Android screenshots. Well, be ready that it might be a bit tricky to get all prerequisites for Android Screen Capture in place, especially on Windows. But dont worry. We are here to help. WhiteBear is a parallel project or second stage of the Skipper Turla cluster of activity documented in another private intelligence report Skipper Turla the. Lets get started. JDKFirst of all you will need to get Java Development Kit. You may follow this direct link to get recent package. Click Download JDK. Choose Accept License Agreement. Click file which corresponds your platform. Run downloaded exe file and follow onscreen instructions. Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents' title='Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents' />You may accept all the defaults. It may take several minutes for installer to do its job. NOTE that you may need to manually add Java directory to your PATH variable if ddms andor Ashot wont launch. Android SDKThen you need to get and install Android SDK. B1jgT.jpg' alt='Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents' title='Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents' />Follow this link to get latest Android SDK for Windows platform. Download installerr. Launch downloaded installation package and accept defaults. Click Finish to open SDK Manager. Go to the next section to install USB Driver. Note Please remember the full path to the SDK for further steps. In this guide we will assume that SDK path is C Program FilesAndroidandroid sdk windows. Windows USB driver Platform Tools. Wow, this looks tough for getting your phone connected to Windows computer. Anyway here are the steps. Please make sure your phone is NOT CONNECTED to your computer. Skip this step if you have SDK Manager running already after installation Run SDK Manager. IC51060.gif' alt='Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents' title='Createprocess Does Not Show Window Contents' />SDK path. And wait until it has finished refreshing sources. Only on the first run of SDK Manager Click Cancel since you dont need anything but Platform tools and USB driver for screen capture application. Select Available packages on the left panel. Expand the Android Repository and set check next to Android SDK Platform tools. Expand Third party Add ons Google Inc. Google USB Driver Package. Click Install Selected. Click Accept All to accept License and then click Install. When install finishes, the USB Driver will be in C Program FilesAndroidandroid sdk windowsgoogle usbdriver. Close SDK Manager. Connect your phone. You will be prompted for driver, which is located in the path mentioned above. For more details installing driver please visit http developer. It could be the end story, but there are some extra steps Make sure that standard SDK tool ddms. C Program FilesAndroidandroid sdk windowstools launches successfully. Otherwise Screen Capture Tool wont work either. If ddms wont launch, add the platform tools to your system PATH variable like this Right click My computer Advanced Environment Variables select Path in System Variables box Edit append C Program FilesAndroidandroid sdk windowsplatform tools to the existing Path. Please note the semicolon preceding the path being appended. If ddms wont launch even after you have accomplished the step above, try disconnecting your phone, then launch ddms and then connect your phone back. And also Copy adb. Also copy Adb. Win. Api. dll and Adb. Win. Usb. Api. dll from platform tools to tools folder. USB Debugging for Android. To capture screens from your Android phone, it needs to have USB Debugging setting activated. On your Android device click Menu button. Click Settings. Click Applications. Click Development. Make sure USB Debugging is checked. Android Screen Capture. Wheeew. Now you have all set for Android Screen Capture. Download latest installation package from Source. Forge https sourceforge. Run Android. Screen. Capure. Setup. v. X. X. exe. Follow onscreen instructions. When finished, run application and go to File Set Android SDK folder to set SDK path. Trobleshooting If Ashot wont connect with your phone, try disconnecting your phone, turn computer off, then on, then launch Ashot and then connect your phone back. If reconnecting phone does not help, please make sure all steps in Windows USB Driver Platform Tools section are accomplished as described. Now everything is ready for Android Screen Capture. Continue reading at Android Screen Capture product page to get know application features. UPDATE on Unable to connect issue. It turns out that latest Android SDK update moved adb. The most weird finding is that a standard ddms tool wont work out of the box on Windows unless platform tools is specified on your PATH system variable. More details here. Anyhow, until we publish an update, to make Android Screenshots and Screen Capture tool work with the updated SDK, just copy adb. Adb. Win. Api. dll, and Adb. Win. Usb. Api. dll, from platform tools to tools folder. Sorry for temporary inconvenience. Common Weakness Enumeration. CWESANS Top 2. 5 Most Dangerous Software Errors. The MITRE Corporation. Copyright 2. 01. Document version 1. Date September 1. Project Coordinators Bob Martin MITREMason Brown SANSAlan Paller SANSDennis Kirby SANSDocument Editor Steve Christey MITREThe 2. CWESANS Top 2. 5 Most Dangerous Software Errors is a list of. They are often easy to find, and easy to. They are dangerous because they will frequently allow. The Top 2. 5 list is a tool for education and awareness to help. Software customers can. Researchers in software security can use the Top 2. Finally, software managers and CIOs can use the Top 2. The list is the result of collaboration between the SANS Institute. MITRE, and many top software security experts in the US and Europe. It leverages experiences in the development of the SANS Top 2. MITREs Common Weakness. Enumeration CWE http cwe. MITRE maintains the CWE. US Department of Homeland Securitys. National Cyber Security Division, presenting detailed descriptions of. The CWE site contains data on more than. The 2. 01. 1 Top 2. This years Top 2. It uses. the Common Weakness Scoring System CWSS to score and. The Top 2. 5 list covers a small set of the. Monster Mitigations, which help. Top 2. 5. weaknesses, as well as many of the hundreds of weaknesses that are. CWE. Table of Contents. Table of Contents. Brief Listing of the Top 2. Brief Listing of the Top 2. This is a brief listing of the Top 2. NOTE 1. 6 other weaknesses were considered for inclusion in the Top 2. They are listed in. On the Cusp page. Rank. Score. IDName19. CWE 8. 9Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command SQL Injection28. CWE 7. 8Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command OS Command Injection37. CWE 1. 20. Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input Classic Buffer Overflow47. CWE 7. 9Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation Cross site Scripting57. CWE 3. 06. Missing Authentication for Critical Function67. CWE 8. 62. Missing Authorization77. CWE 7. 98. Use of Hard coded Credentials87. CWE 3. 11. Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data97. CWE 4. 34. Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type1. CWE 8. 07. Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision1. CWE 2. 50. Execution with Unnecessary Privileges1. CWE 3. 52. Cross Site Request Forgery CSRF1. CWE 2. 2Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory Path Traversal1. CWE 4. 94. Download of Code Without Integrity Check1. CWE 8. 63. Incorrect Authorization1. CWE 8. 29. Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere1. CWE 7. 32. Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource1. CWE 6. 76. Use of Potentially Dangerous Function1. CWE 3. 27. Use of a Broken or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm2. CWE 1. 31. Incorrect Calculation of Buffer Size2. CWE 3. 07. Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts2. CWE 6. 01. URL Redirection to Untrusted Site Open Redirect2. CWE 1. 34. Uncontrolled Format String2. CWE 1. 90. Integer Overflow or Wraparound2. CWE 7. 59. Use of a One Way Hash without a Salt. CWE 8. 9 SQL injection delivers the knockout punch of security weaknesses in 2. For data rich software applications, SQL. CWE 7. 8, OS. command injection, is where the application interacts with the. The classic buffer overflow CWE 1. Cross site scripting. CWE 7. 9 is the bane of web applications everywhere. Rounding out the. Missing Authentication CWE 3. Guidance for Using the Top 2. Guidance for Using the Top 2. Here is some guidance for different types of users of the Top 2. User. Activity. Programmers new to security. Read the brief listing, then examine the. Monster Mitigations section to see how a small. Top. Pick a small number of weaknesses to work with first, and see the. Detailed CWE Descriptions for more information on the. Programmers who are experienced in security. Use the general Top 2. Consult the See. the On the Cusp page for other weaknesses that did. File Program In Abap more. Top 2. 5 this includes weaknesses that are only. If you are already familiar with a particular weakness, then consult. Detailed CWE Descriptions and see the Related. CWEs links for variants that you may not have fully considered. Build your own Monster Mitigations section so. Consider building a custom Top n list that fits your needs and. Consult the Common Weakness Risk. Analysis Framework CWRAF page for a general framework for building. N lists, and see Appendix C for a description. Top 2. 5. Develop your own nominee. Software project managers. Treat the Top 2. 5 as an early step in a larger effort towards achieving. Strategic possibilities are covered in efforts. Building Security In Maturity Model BSIMM. Microsoft SDL, and. Monster Mitigations section to determine which. Top 2. 5 are addressed by. Consider building a custom Top n list that fits your needs and. Consult the Common Weakness Risk. Analysis Framework CWRAF page for a general framework for building. N lists, and see Appendix C for a description. Top 2. 5. Develop your own nominee. Software Testers. Read the brief listing and consider how you would. If you are. in a friendly competition with the developers, you may find some. On the Cusp entries, or even the. For each indvidual CWE entry in the Details section. Review the CAPEC IDs for ideas on the types of attacks. Software customers. Recognize that market pressures often drive vendors to provide. As a customer. have the power to influence vendors to provide more secure products. Use the Top. 2. 5 to help set minimum expectations for due care by software vendors. Consider using the Top 2. The. SANS Application Security. Procurement Language site offers customer centric language that is. Secure Software Contract Annex, which offers a framework for. Other information is available from the DHS. Outsourcing Working Group. Consult the Common Weakness Risk Analysis. Framework CWRAF page for a general framework for building a top N. For the software products that you use, pay close attention to. See if they. reflect any of the associated weaknesses on the Top 2. See the On the Cusp summary for other weaknesses. Top 2. 5 this will include weaknesses that. Start with the brief listing. Some. training materials are also available. Users of the 2. 01. Top 2. 5. See the What Changed section while a lot has. Category Based View of the Top 2. Category Based View of the Top 2. This section sorts the entries into the three high level categories that were used in the 2. Top 2. 5 Insecure Interaction Between Components. Risky Resource Management. Porous Defenses. Insecure Interaction Between Components. These weaknesses are related to insecure ways in which data is sent and received between separate components, modules, programs. For each weakness, its ranking in the general list is provided in square brackets. Rank. CWE IDName. Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command. SQL Injection. Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command OS. Command Injection. Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation. Cross site Scripting. Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type. Cross Site Request Forgery CSRF. URL Redirection to Untrusted Site Open Redirect. Risky Resource Management. The weaknesses in this category are related to ways in which software does not properly manage the creation, usage, transfer, or destruction. Rank. CWE IDName.