Jquery Form Validation Plugins

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Jquery Form Validation Plugins' title='Jquery Form Validation Plugins' />Basic j. Query Form Validation Example 2mins Site. Point. This popular article was updated on 1. August, 2. 01. 6 to correct some minor errors and reflect the current version of the library. Comments pertaining to the old article were deleted. This tutorial shows you how to set up a basic form validation with j. Query, demonstrated by a registration form. Were going to use the j. Query Validation Plugin to validate our form. The basic principle of this plugin is to specify validation rules and error messages for HTML elements in Java. Script. Heres a live demo of what were going to be building See the Pen Basic j. Query Form Validation Example by Site. Jquery Form Validation Plugins' title='Jquery Form Validation Plugins' />Point Site. Point on Code. Pen. Step 1 Include j. Query. First, we need to include j. Query v. 1. x as the validation plugin is currently only compatible with j. Query versions lower than 2. There are the following download options Download it from jquery. Im new to jQuery and was wondering how to use it to validate email addresses. Download it using Bower bower install jquery1. Download it using npm npm install jquery1. Use a CDN https cdn. Create a new HTML file named index. Query before the closing lt body tag lt Change the src attribute according to your installation path. If youd like to use Bower or npm but arent familiar with them, you might be interested in these two articles Step 2 Include the j. Query Validation Plugin. Choose between Download it from the plugins website. Download it using Bower bower install jquery validation. Download it using npm npm install jquery validation. Use a CDN https cdn. Include the plugin after j. Query lt Change the src attribute according to your installation path. Step 3 Create the HTML Form. For the registration we want to collect the following user information First name. Last name. Email. Password. So, lets create our form containing these input fields lt div classcontainer. Registrationlt h. First Namelt label. John. lt label forlastname Last Namelt label. Doe. lt label foremail Emaillt label. Passwordlt label. Registerlt button. When integrating this into a real application, dont forget to fill in the action attribute, to make sure the form is submitted to the correct destination. Step 4 Create Styles for the Form. Create a new file, cssstyles. HTML file lt link relstylesheet hrefcssstyle. Copy the following styles into the newly created file import urlhttps fonts. OpenSans. font family Open Sans. If youre using Compass SCSS you can alternatively use the following to style the form import compass. Query Form Validation Plugins to help sooth your head from all that serious head bashing over your form validation errors. Let jQuery do all the hard work. OpenSans. Color settings. Bg 2c. 3e. 50. form. Jquery Form Validation Plugins' title='Jquery Form Validation Plugins' />Color fff. Bg fff. input. Color 0. Bg e. 67e. 22. button. Jquery Form Validation Plugins' title='Jquery Form Validation Plugins' />Color fff. 4 Deluxe Edition Beyonce Download there. Msg. Color ff. 00. Open Sans. font size 1. Bg. color form. Color. Bg. color input. Color. Bg. color button. Color. margin top 1. Msg. Color. Note the styles for. Bol Raz Jeden Zivot. Step 5 Create the Validation Rules. Finally, we need to initialize the form validation plugin. Create a new file jsform validation. Query Validation plugin lt script srcjsform validation. Copy the following code into the newly created file Wait for the DOM to be ready. Initialize form validation on the registration form. It has the name attribute registration. Specify validation rules. The key name on the left side is the name attribute. Validation rules are defined. Specify that email should be validated. Specify validation error messages. Please enter your firstname. Please enter your lastname. Please provide a password. Your password must be at least 5 characters long. Please enter a valid email address. Make sure the form is submitted to the destination defined. Handler functionform. Conclusion. Thats it, youre done Now you have an idea how to set up form validation with j. Query. Please keep in mind that this doesnt replace server side validation. Its still possible for a malicious user to manipulate or bypass the validation rules e. Related Articles. Julian is a software developer and media designer, currently living in Berlin, Germany. He focuses on web and hybrid applications and loves open source development. Sam Deering is a Front end Web Developer who specialises in Java. Script j. Query. Sam is driven and passionate about sharing his knowledge to educate others.