Lenovo T400 Change Serial Number

Lenovo T400 Change Serial Number Rating: 5,8/10 5108reviews

Lenovo Customer Service Rating 2. Undercover Tech Support Review. Lenovo has dramatically improved its phone support since our last evaluation, offering much faster calls times and demonstrating a willingness to answer Windows 1. Lenovo Tech Support. Overall. Web Score. Phone Score. Avg Call Time. Phone Number. Web Support. Link. Phone Hours ET 2. The company continues to offer a wide variety of helpful web based support options and social media responses via Twitter, though finding answers on your own isnt always easy. In addition, the company added Lenovo Companion, an Android app that makes accessing many of Lenovos online support resources from your phone more convenient. On Windows 7, 8, and 8. ThinkPad TWX systems use fingerprint software. T440 and later models use Lenovo Fingerprint Manager Pro. This. 2017. 09V Super Version ICOM A2BC For BMW Diagnostic Programming Tool With ISTAD 4. ISTAP 3. 62. 1. 003 HDD. PROBLEM. Intel AMT is incompatible with a 4096bit PKI if Intel AMT systems need to validate a certificate chain containing this key size. For example, in 802. X. Lenovo T400 Change Serial NumberTo test Lenovos support, I used a Yoga 9. I asked how to use the fingerprint reader to log in to Windows, how to configure the laptop to charge devices over USB even when its off and how to stop the computer from prompting me for a password every time it wakes from sleep. Web, App and Social. If you dont want to pick up the phone, Lenovo offers several ways to get support online. You can search the companys support site, which includes a large number of how tos, engage in a live chat, post to support forums or reach out on social media. The most convenient place to start any Lenovo support query is on http support. However, while there, youll want to keep your laptops serial number handy at all times, because the site keeps asking you for that information, even after you have registered an account there and associated the number with your name. If you dont want to turn over your laptop to look for the fine print, the site has software to detect the number, but whenever I used that software, it took several minutes or didnt work at all. The site search feature on support. Lenovos laptops together. The search is also unaware of what laptop you have. When searching from the specific support page that had my Yoga 1. I got a whole bunch of unrelated Think. Pad articles. I was unable to find articles that answered any of my three support questions on the support site. However, clicking on the How to Solutions tab did give me a pretty broad list of tips, most of which solved other potential problems. Lenovos community forums are extremely active, which makes them a decent place to try your query, if other methods fail to get you a good answer and you dont mind waiting or going back and forth with some users. I posted a question asking how to make my Yoga 9. USB while the laptop is off and. About 5 hours later, I got a response from another user who pointed me to a PCWorld article that was related to my question, but didnt give the exact answer I needed. The live chat feature on support. ET each weekday, is about the same as using phone support, just without a talking voice. After filling out a brief web form with my personal info and my issue at around 4 p. I was immediately connected to Sasha. I asked her to help me disable password prompts when waking from sleep. The rep then asked to take over my computer, which I allowed. Unfortunately, after 4. Sasha doing all kinds of unhelpful things like updating my BIOS and poking around a variety of advanced power settings, he or she incorrectly told me that Windows 1. Home version doesnt allow you to disable password prompts after sleep. The correct menu setting is in the Accounts Sign In section of the Settings menu, just a couple of clicks away from the Start button. The Lenovo Companion app is primarily a friendly front end for the same web resources you can get in your browser. It features four main navigation buttons Home, Help, Forum and Me along with a search box that queries the same Lenovo support articles you find on support. Home shows a list of headlines that, when I looked, were all about Motorola phones. Forum takes you to the home page of Lenovo forums, and Me shows your list of registered laptops, just like youll see on the support site. The apps Help tab has a set of its own buttons. These include Solutions, which links to a seemingly random list of how to articles that arent necessarily related to your laptop Support Web, which is the home page of support. Community Forums, which is the web forums page. The Videos button leads to a set of extremely outdated how to videos, many of which cover now defunct Lenovo software being used in Windows Vista. Theres also a Diagnostics button, which leads to some tools for benchmarking and tweaking your phone, not your laptop. The lenovohelp account on Twitter offers speedy, helpful service. Spider Man Venom Windows 7 there. After I sent the account a direct message, asking about how to set up the fingerprint reader on my Yoga 9. However, you can forget about asking Lenovo for support via Facebook. When I sent a message to the Lenovo United States page on Facebook, I got back a canned message advising me to call Lenovo tech support. Phone Support. Lenovos phone support is fast, courteous and truly helpful. Unlike in some years past, when company reps refused to answer what they considered basic Windows questions, this year, all of our support queries were answered without pushback. I also got excellent answers in two out of three calls, though in the third, the rep erroneously told me that my laptop could not do what I was asking. If you want to do a voice call with Lenovo, you have two options either call the support number directly or use the website to sign up for a callback. I strongly recommend arranging the call via the web form, because you wont have to spend any time navigating through a phone tree and the rep will already be aware of your issue before the conversation begins. You can schedule a call in advance, but in my experience, theres no waiting at all if you ask for an immediate callback. In either case, be sure you have your laptops serial number in front of you, because the site asks for it and the rep may also request it on the phone. I used the dial in number to make an early afternoon call and, after navigating the phone tree, I was almost immediately connected to a rep named Vine in the Philippines. After taking a couple of minutes to give her my serial number, name, address and other info, I asked her how to set up the laptops fingerprint reader for Windows logins. She requested to use remote control software to take over my PC, and I agreed. It took Vine only a minute or two to navigate to the correct menu in Windows 1. From there, she had me set a PIN number and register my fingerprints for Windows Hello. Then, she waited while I rebooted the computer and logged in with my index finger. The full call lasted 1. At around 9 a. m., I used the web form to sign up for a call, and within about a minute of my hitting submit on the site, my phone rang. The phone service tells you to wait on the line for a representative, but the hold music had barely played a few bars before Richard, also in the Philippines, picked up. Because I had already entered my question, which was about how to turn off the password prompt when waking from sleep, he was familiar with both my issue and my personal information before we even started talking. Richard also took over my computer using remote control software. Within a couple of minutes, he navigated to the correct menu and found the option to disable the password prompts when leaving sleep mode. He changed it, put my laptop to sleep and asked me to test the new setting by waking the system up. After I confirmed that the fix had been successful, he took me back to the menu again to show me how to change the option myself. The call lasted 1. At around 9 1. 5 p. I used the web form to ask about enabling my laptop to charge devices over USB while the system is off. After about 2 minutes of waiting for the phone to ring and a few seconds of hold music, I was talking with Noelle also in the Philippines. This time, even though I had entered my serial number and personal info in the form, he asked for both pieces of information, then put me on hold for a couple of minutes.