Borland Socket Server

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TCP TCPIP applications for DOS PCs. TCPIP applications for your PC. Current version July 5th, 2. Overviewm. TCP is a set of TCPIP applications for personal computers running. MB163MS_35631_800x800.jpg' alt='Borland Socket Server' title='Borland Socket Server' />PC DOS, MS DOS, Free. DOS, and other flavors of DOS. The applications. Borland Socket Server' title='Borland Socket Server' />DHCP a DHCP client for. FTP an FTP client for. FTPSRV a high performance FTP. HTGET the HTGet program. Borland Socket Server' title='Borland Socket Server' />Security and file system components for software developers and business integrators Windows. NET, Linux, macOS iOS, Java Android. Borland Socket Server' title='Borland Socket Server' />1 Overview. Hypersonic 2 Team Air Win7 64Bit Ultimate. GNU Wget is a free utility for noninteractive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through. Service Names and Transport Protocol Port Numbers 20171101 TCPUDP Joe Touch Eliot Lear, Allison Mankin, Markku Kojo, Kumiko Ono, Martin Stiemerling, Lars Eggert. Groupsock The classes in this library encapsulate network interfaces and sockets. In particular, the Groupsock class encapsulates a socket for sending andor. Коллекция написанных на Delphi исходников и компонентов, программы, статьи, форум. Vertica Advanced Analytics Platform. The fastest, open, infrastructureindependent, advanced analytics SQL database. Cognitive Search Knowledge Discovery. HTTP servers. HTTPSERV an HTTP server. HTTP 0. 9, 1. 0, 1. IRCJR the IRCjr IRC Internet Relay. IRC networks. NC the Netcat command. PING the Ping command for. PKTTOOL A packet sniffer and. SNTP an SNTP client for getting. Internet. TELNET a Telnet client for. Unix systems, BBS systems, or any computer that supports. Telnet. m. TCP should run on all variants of DOS including IBM PC DOS. MS DOS, DR DOS and Free. DOS. All of these applications will run well on. PC that you. can find I routinely use them on an IBM PCjr made in 1. Internet. People are using m. TCP for goofing off and for real work. If. you have a DOS machine that needs to send data across the network m. TCP. can help you get that done. Besides its utility to vintage computers I. PCs, allowing backups to be run on old machines, and sending. Borland Socket Server' title='Borland Socket Server' />Dont have a vintage computer laying around No problem m. TCP. It has been tested with DOSBox, Sws. Vpkt, Virtual. Box and. VMWare. See the documentation for the details. Requirementsm. TCP applications should work on any IBM PC compatible personal. DOS. To be more specific An IBM PC compatible with an 8. CPU9. 6KB to 2. 56. KB of system memory depending on the application. DOS 2. 1 or newer. A network card Ethernet adapter, or a device emulating Ethernet. A packet driver is a utility that lets a program send and receive. Ethernet packets using your network card. The packet driver. Ethernet cards. If your Ethernet card does not have a packet driver. NDIS or ODI driver with a shim to convert to the packet. SLIP and PPP connections are also. Ethernet. See http www. My personal testing includes IBM PCjr at 4. Mhz with a NEC V2. CPU, Xircom. parallel port to Ethernet adapter and DOS 5. IBM PCjr at 4. 7. Mhz with a NEC V2. CPU, Western Digital. Ethernet Adapter, and DOS 3. Drive Memory Increaser Software. IBM PC XT at 4. 7. Mhz with a 3. Com 3. C5. 03 Ethernet adapter. DOS 3. 3, and a CGA display. IBM PC XT at 4. 7. Mhz with a Xircom PE3 1. BT. to Ethernet adapter, DOS 5, and an MDA display. IBM PC Convertible 5. Xircom. parallel port to Ethernet adapter and DOS 3. IBM PS2 Model 2. Com 3. C5. 03 Ethernet adapter, and DOS 5. IBM L4. 0sx laptop, Xircom PE3 1. BT parallel port to Ethernet. DOS 6. 3. Generic AMD 3. NE2. 00. 0 Ethernet. DOS 5, and a VGA display. Generic Pentium 1. Link. Sys 1. 00. Mbs. Ethernet adapter. DOSBox emulation environment. Virtual. Box and VMWare virtual machines. This is the official m. TCP home page. The code used to be available. I have moved. everything back here again. There are other sites that. TCP but only this page guaranteed to have the original, unmodified. Two sets of files are available Current versionm. TCP2. 01. 5 0. 7 0. Standard binaries. The m. TCP applications and sample filesm. TCP2. 01. 5 0. 7 0. UPX compressed binaries. The same applications and sample files as above, but. These are. useful for systems without a hard drive. TCP2. 01. 5 0. 7 0. Documentation. A single PDF file with all of. Previous version Open source under the GPLv. TCP2. 01. 3 0. 5 2. Standard binaries. The m. TCP applications, sample files and user documentation. TCP2. 01. 3 0. 5 2. UPX compressed binaries. The same m. TCP applications, sample files and user. These are useful for. TCP src2. 01. 3 0. Source code. The source code to m. TCP with design documentation and notes. Interested in getting started but want to learn more Please see my. DOS networking using packet drivers http www. DosNetworkingdosnetworking. Supportm. TCP is a hobby project that I started in 2. While it is only a. I take. pride in my work. If you have a comment, bug, or suggestion for a. I might ask for. information or a trace from the program you are having trouble with. Your bug reports help me make m. TCP better for everybody else. If you need a change to make m. TCP work better for you I am. I am willing to write custom. I suggest. making a donation to a local animal shelter of your choice. I have. never seen an over funded animal shelter. Contact me with what you. Ill see what I can do. And thank you to those who have taken. Recent changes. July 2. Added the HTTPSERV and PKTTOOL programs moved. PDF file many small improvements and some bug fixes. April 2. 01. 3 IRCjr, Telnet client, FTP client, FTP server, and. TCPIP stack improvements. May 2. 01. 2 Power awareness, Xmodem and Ymodem. Telnet, faster FTP client sends, etc. October 2. 01. 1 Upgrades and fixes for the FTP server added. IRCjr, fix Telnet options negotiation. July 2. 01. 1 HTGet added. Interested in seeing the source code that lets you talk. I have taken the lowest layer of the m. TCP code and. with a sample application that shows you how to interface a C program. Check it. out here m. TCPtcpacket. html. For developersNote The current version of m. TCP. is not available as open source yet. If you are interested in working. TCP source code the 2. Jump in  See the m. TCP Programming Sample TCPm. TCPProgrammingSample. All of the applications use the m. TCP TCPIP library which is. The code is. written in a combination of C and assembler. The style of coding is. C with classes to improve the structure of the code with. The. source code is fairly well commented. You can look at. it as a framework for writing TCPIP applications for DOS, complete. Features include ARP, UDP, DNS, IP fragments, listen and. Karnes algorithm, and run time switchable tracing for. Features may be compiled in or out as needed so that. TCPIP library and include only. TCP does not use floating point. TCP is designed to be robust. DOS is a challenging. TCP. attempts to minimize problems by using defensive programming. Not every programming error can be prevented, but the. For example, to prevent. DOS heap m. TCP generally preallocates pools of. DOS heap. The FTP server and the IRC client. High performance is a key feature of m. TCP. The library is. Assembler is used on. BIOS or DOS routines anyway. For the. ultimate in performance you can choose to handle raw packets directly. The ability to adjust buffer sizes allows. Want to see how fast m. TCP. is Here are some performance measurements. FTP and for raw socket performance m. TCP. Performance notesm. TCP is only available as a library that you link with your. A TSR version that can be used by software interrupt is. While a TSR version would allow more programming. TCPIP services, it is a much more difficult. Performance would also suffer too. It. would be an interesting project though if you want to collaborate on. TSR version of m. TCP please contact me. For a TCPIP stack that loads as a TSR see Trumpet by Peter Tattam. Trumpet can usually be found by searching for TCPDRV or NTCPDRV. WATTCP. is an older, more widespread TCPIP stack that can be used as an. TCP. Neither Trumpet or WATTCP are actively. TCP is developed using Open. Watcom, an open source tool chain that supports C, C, and. Open Watcom is flexible and generates reasonably optimized. Open Watcom also runs under modern environments such as Windows. Linux so you can develop in the environment of your choice while. DOS executables. Open Watcom is regularly. TCP is using version 1. June 2. 01. 0. Porting to other environments such as Borland Turbo C for DOS is. TCP originally started with Borland.