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PRn3_FKBQ/U0ubKv27R6I/AAAAAAAADn8/gZL_r2n_0tw/s1600/U8.PNG' alt='Best Oracle Database Download' title='Best Oracle Database Download' />000001159 How to Reindex Vault on Windows. How to resolve COM Activation failed errors in web applications MapXtreme. NET. 000001576 How to. Troubleshooting Clusterware startup problems with detailed debugging info. What to do first Note 8. Clusterware  startup problems are related to Disk Space Problems. Network Connectivity Problem with following system Calls are failing  bindbind specifies the address port on the local side of the connection. Check for local IP changes including changes for Netmask,. Check for remote IP changes including changes for Netmask, Firewall issues,. Check your Nameserver connectivity and configuration. File Protection Problems. This translates to some  very important task before starting Clusterware Debugging Check your disk space  using    df. Check whether your are running a firewall service iptables status lt this command is very important and you should disable  iptables asap if enabled Check whether avahi daemon is running service avahi daemon status. Reboot your system to Cleanup special sockets file in  vartmp. Verify Network Connectivity    ping, nslookup and dont forget to ask your Network Admin for any changes done in last couple of days. Check your ASM disks with kfedfor a a valid ASM diskheadergridractw. KFBTYPDISKHEAD. kfdhdb. DATA3 0x. 02. 8 length5. DATA 0x. 04. 8 length4. DATA3 0x. 06. 8 length5. KFBTYPDISKHEAD. Verify your system with cluvfy. If possible try to restart your failing node   If not stop and restart at least your CRS stack crsctl stop crs f crsclt start crs. If the problem persist collect following data   Working node olsnodes n i s t   oifcfg getif Failing node crsctl check crs crsctl check css crsctl check evm crsctl stat res t init Run on all nodes and compare the results CI device name ,MTU and netmask should be identical ifconfig a df nestat rn Check that avahi is disabled and no Firewall is configured very important Linux specific command service avahi status       Linux specific command nslookup grac. Locate the cluster interconnect and ping the remote nodes  oifcfg getifeth. Desktop     ifconfig egrep eth. Link encap Ethernet  HWaddr 0. F0 9. 9            inet addr 1. Bcast 1. 92. 1. 68. Mask 2. 55. 2. 55. Here we know eth. Desktop ping I 1. Desktop  ping I 1. Login as Grid User and check the group permissions  compare results with a working node gridgrac. Check your voting disksOCR setup. On a working Node rootgrac. Desktop ocrcheck. DeviceFile Name                OCRLocate the related disksgridgrac. TotalMB  FreeMB  OSMB  Name       Failgroup  FailgroupType  Library  Label  UDID  Product  Redund   Path    2. OCR0. 00. 0   OCR0. REGULAR         System                         UNKNOWN  devasmocr2. DB11gR2/12-DatabaseConfigurationAssistant2.jpg' alt='Best Oracle Database Download' title='Best Oracle Database Download' />Gdisk. OCR0. 00. 1   OCR0. REGULAR         System                         UNKNOWN  devasmocr2. Gdisk. 2    2. 04. OCR0. 00. 2   OCR0. REGULAR         System                         UNKNOWN  devasmocr2. Gdisk. 3On the failed node use kfed to read the disk header for all disks asmocr2. Gdisk. 1, asmocr2. Gdisk. 2, asmocr2. Gdisk. 3 gridgrac. Gdisk. 1 grep namekfdhdb. Kostenlos Internet Bei Mcdonalds here. OCR0. 00. 0 0x. OCR 0x. Creating a MySQL DB Instance and Connecting to a Database on a MySQL DB Instance. The easiest way to create a DB instance is to use the AWS Management Console. OCR0. 00. 0 0x. Verify your cluster setup by runnig cluvfy. See how Oracle Database 12c enables businesses to plug into the cloud and power the realtime enterprise. Upgrading to Release 11. Generates Suboptimal Plans for CHAR or NCHAR Data Type Columns. After upgrading to Oracle Database 11 g Release 2 11. Of space for doing such a task. Thanks a lot for your help. Ask them for the technical reasons WHY they rebuild. When they say performance of course ask them for. Connect to a DB instance running the Microsoft SQL Server database engine using the Microsoft SQL Server command line tools. Supported Virtualization and Partitioning Technologies for Oracle Database and RAC Product Releases. Best Oracle Database Download' title='Best Oracle Database Download' />Best Oracle Database Download RAC JEE Blog. Please use the menu bar to navigate through around 400 RAC Linux Virtualbox Java EE articles Menu and widgets. Oracle Accreditation Program Increase your productivity by using Oracles Accreditation Program our new framework to accelerate your knowledge of our Oracle. Download the 1. 2. Verify CRS installation if possible from a working node gridgrac. Verify file protections run this on all nodes verifies more than 1. Software check failed. Overview. Version tested GRID version 1. OEL 6. 5. Before running any command from this article please  backup OLR and OCR and your CW software Its your responsibilty to have a valid backup Running any CW process as a wrong user can corrupt OLR,OCR and change protection for tracefiles and IPC sockets. Must Read  Top 5 Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues Doc ID 1. Issue 1 CRS 4. Could not contact Oracle High Availability Services, ohasd. Issue 2 CRS 4. Communications failure contacting Cluster Synchronization Services daemon, ocssd. Issue 3 CRS 4. Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready Services, crsd. Issue 4 Agent or mdnsd. Issue 5 ASM instance does not start, ora. OFFLINEHow can I avoid CW troubleshooting by reading GB of traces step 2   Note  more than 5. CW startup problems can be avoided be checking the follwing. Check Network connectivity with  ping, traceroute, nslookup. For further details see GENERIC Networking chapter. Check CW executable file protections compare with a working node. ORACLEHOMEbingpnpd. May 2. 0 1. 0 0. Mar 1. Check CW log file   and pid protections and compare with a working node. May 2. 2 1. 1 4. May 2. Check IPC sockets   protections vartmp. DBGGPNPD. srwxrwxrwx. May 2. 2 1. 1 4. DBGGPNPD. For further details see GENERIC File Protection chapter. Overview CW startup sequence. In a nutshell, the operating system starts ohasd, ohasd starts agents to start up daemons. Daemons gipcd, mdnsd, gpnpd, ctssd, ocssd, crsd, evmd asm. After all local daemons are up crsd start agents that start user resources database, SCAN, listener etc. Startup sequence  from 1. R2 Clusterware and Grid Home What You Need to Know Doc ID 1. Level 1 OHASD Spawns. Agent responsible for spawning CSSD. Agent responsible for managing all root owned ohasd resources. Agent responsible for managing all oracle owned ohasd resources. Monitors CSSD and node health along wth the cssdagent. Level 2b OHASD rootagent spawns. CRSD Primary daemon responsible for managing cluster resources. CTSSD, ACFS, MDNSD, GIPCD, GPNPD, EVMD, ASM resources must be ONLINE. CTSSD Cluster Time Synchronization Services Daemon. Diskmon. ACFS ASM Cluster File System Drivers. Level 2a OHASD oraagent spawns. MDNSD Used for DNS lookup. GIPCD Used for inter process and inter node communication. GPNPD Grid Plug Play Profile Daemon. EVMD Event Monitor Daemon. ASM Resource for monitoring ASM instances. Level 3 CRSD spawns. Agent responsible for managing all root owned crsd resources. Agent responsible for managing all oracle owned crsd resources. Level 4 CRSD rootagent spawns. Network resource To monitor the public network. SCAN VIPs Single Client Access Name Virtual IPs. Node VIPs One per node. ACFS Registery For mounting ASM Cluster File System. GNS VIP optional VIP for GNS. Level 4 CRSD oraagent spawns. ASM Resouce ASM Instances resource. Diskgroup Used for managingmonitoring ASM diskgroups. DB Resource Used for monitoring and managing the DB and instances. SCAN Listener Listener for single client access name, listening on SCAN VIP. Listener Node listener listening on the Node VIP. Services Used for monitoring and managing services. ONS Oracle Notification Service. ONS Enhanced Oracle Notification Service. GSD For 9i backward compatibility. GNS optional Grid Naming Service Performs name resolution. Stopping CRS after CW startup  failures. During testing you may stop CRS very frequently. As the OHASD stack may not fully up you need to run. CRS 2. 79. 1 Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services managed resources on grac. CRS 2. 67. 3 Attempting to stop ora. CRS 4. 54. 8 Unable to connect to CRSD. CRS 5. 02. 2 Stop of resource ora. INTERMEDIATE. CRS 2. Stop of ora. crsd on grac. CRS 2. 67. 9 Attempting to clean ora. CRS 4. 54. 8 Unable to connect to CRSD.