Albino 3 Full

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How to Care for an Albino Frog. Buy an appropriate tank. Picture of white albino rottweilers. Albino dogs do not produce melanin. Albinism is a disorder and has bad health problems. The Dead Milkmen Death Rides A Pale Cow The Ultimate Collection full album 97 Duration 5213. PUNK ROCK VIDEOS 45,042 views. Here you find the downloads of discontinued LinPlug products. This is no free software, it is an archive for customers. Albinism in humans is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Alienware Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64 Bit. Albinism is associated with a. An albino man on Ukerewe has his eyes tested at a clinic run by nongovernmental organization Standing Voice. The genetic condition, which results in a. Albino frogs should be housed in a tank that can hold 1. Be sure that you have left plenty of space at the top of the tank to make it easy for the frogs to surface and breathe. Generally, the water level should be about 1 foot deep to ensure that they have enough room to swim around and explore. If you plan to have more than a few frogs, adjust your tank size accordingly. Like all animals, frogs do not like to be crowded and will be unhappy and aggressive if they do not have enough space. The tank must have a secure cover. The frogs, who are curious and like to jump around, will get out if given the opportunity. They cannot survive for very long outside water, so keep the frogs in the tank. Water temperature should be around 7. The frogs prefer warm, calm water. You also need a filtration system to keep the tank from getting too messy. A castle, rock or other place for the frog to hide is also a good idea. Finally, cover the bottom of the tank with gravel. Not only does the gravel give the frogs a more natural environment, but they also like to play with it. Get the smallest gravel that you can find. The frogs may swallow it, and smaller pieces are more easily passed through their systems. Albinism Wikipedia. Albinism in humans is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin cancers. In rare cases such as ChdiakHigashi syndrome, albinism may be associated with deficiencies in the transportation of melanin granules. This also affects essential granules present in immune cells leading to increased susceptibility to infection. Albinism results from inheritance of recessive genealleles and is known to affect all vertebrates, including humans. It is due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin. It is the opposite of melanism. Unlike humans, other animals have multiple pigments and for these, albinism is considered to be a hereditary condition characterised by the absence of melanin in particular, in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, feathers or cuticle. While an organism with complete absence of melanin is called an albino an organism with only a diminished amount of melanin is described as leucistic or albinoid. The term is from the Latinalbus, white. Signs and symptomseditIn humans, there are two principal types of albinism oculocutaneous, affecting the eyes, skin and hair, and ocular affecting the eyes only. There are different types of oculocutaneous albinism depending on which gene has undergone mutation. With some there is no pigment at all. The other end of the spectrum of albinism is a form of albinism called rufous oculocutaneous albinism, which usually affects dark skinned people. According to the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation, With ocular albinism, the color of the iris of the eye may vary from blue to green or even brown, and sometimes darkens with age. However, when an eye doctor examines the eye by shining a light from the side of the eye, the light shines back through the iris since very little pigment is present. Because individuals with albinism have skin that entirely lacks the dark pigment melanin, which helps protect the skin from the suns ultravioletradiation, their skin can burn more easily from overexposure. The human eye normally produces enough pigment to color the iris blue, green or brown and lend opacity to the eye. Looking for online definition of Albino people in the Medical Dictionary Albino people explanation free. What is Albino people Meaning of Albino people medical term. Official publication of the Indian Pharmacological Society. Peerreviewed open access biomedical speciality periodical from India. Provides free full text articles. In photographs, those with albinism are more likely to demonstrate red eye, due to the red of retina being visible through the iris. Lack of pigment in the eyes also results in problems with vision, both related and unrelated to photosensitivity. Those afflicted with albinism are generally as healthy as the rest of the population but see related disorders below, with growth and development occurring as normal, and albinism by itself does not cause mortality,9 although the lack of pigment blocking ultravioletradiation increases the risk of melanomas skin cancers and other problems. Visual problemseditDevelopment of the optical system is highly dependent on the presence of melanin. For this reason, the reduction or absence of this pigment in people with albinism may lead to Eye conditions common in albinism include Nystagmus, irregular rapid movement of the eyes back and forth, or in circular motion. Amblyopia, decrease in acuity of one or both eyes due to poor transmission to the brain, often due to other conditions such as strabismus. Optic nerve hypoplasia, underdevelopment of the optic nerve. The improper development of the retinal pigment epithelium RPE, which in normal eyes absorbs most of the reflected sunlight, further increases glare due to light scattering within the eye. The resulting sensitivity photophobia generally leads to discomfort in bright light, but this can be reduced by the use of sunglasses or brimmed hats. Albino 3 Full' title='Albino 3 Full' />GeneticseditOculocutaneous albinism is generally the result of the biological inheritance of genetically recessivealleles genes passed from both parents of an individual for example OCA1 and OCA2. A mutation in the human TRP 1 gene may result in the deregulation of melanocyte tyrosinase enzymes, a change that is hypothesized to promote brown versus black melanin synthesis, resulting in a third oculocutaneous albinism OCA genotype, OCA3. Some rare forms are inherited from only one parent. There are other genetic mutations which are proven to be associated with albinism. All alterations, however, lead to changes in melanin production in the body. Some of these are associated with increased risk of skin cancer see list of such genetic variations. The chance of offspring with albinism resulting from the pairing of an organism with albinism and one without albinism is low. However, because organisms including humans can be carriers of genes for albinism without exhibiting any traits, albinistic offspring can be produced by two non albinistic parents. Albinism usually occurs with equal frequency in both sexes. An exception to this is ocular albinism, which it is passed on to offspring through X linked inheritance. Thus, ocular albinism occurs more frequently in males as they have a single X and Y chromosome, unlike females, whose genetics are characterized by two X chromosomes. There are two different forms of albinism a partial lack of the melanin is known as hypomelanism, or hypomelanosis, and the total absence of melanin is known as amelanism or amelanosis. The enzyme defect responsible for OCA1 type albinism is tyrosine 3 monooxygenase tyrosinase, which synthesizes melanin from the amino acid tyrosine. Evolutionary theorieseditIt is suggested that the early hominin evolved in East Africa around 3 million years ago. The dramatic phenotypic change from primate to early hominin is hypothesized to have involved the extreme loss of body hair except for areas most exposed to UV radiation, such as the head to allow for more efficient thermoregulation in the early hunter gatherers. The skin that would have been exposed upon general body hair loss in these early hominins would have most likely been non pigmented, reflecting the pale skin underlying the hair of our chimpanzee relatives. A positive advantage would have been conferred to early hominids inhabiting the African continent that were capable of producing darker skin those who first expressed the eumelanin producing MC1. Rallele which protected them from harmful epithelium damaging ultraviolet rays. Over time, the advantage conferred to those with darker skin may have led to the prevalence of darker skin on the continent. The positive advantage, however, would have had to be strong enough so as to produce a significantly higher reproductive fitness in those who produced more melanin. The cause of a selective pressure strong enough to cause this shift is an area of much debate. Some hypotheses include the existence of significantly lower reproductive fitness in people with less melanin due to lethal skin cancer, lethal kidney disease due to excess vitamin D formation in the skin of people with less melanin, or simply natural selection due to mate preference and sexual selection. When comparing the prevalence of albinism in Africa to its prevalence in other parts of the world, such as Europe and the United States, the potential evolutionary effects of skin cancer as a selective force due to its effect on these populations may not be insignificant.